Thursday 6/6/2013 WOD
Check out some Efficiency tips for toes to bar
With a partner
10 each partner Medicine Ball toss (stand about 5ft apart)
10 each partner and toss (about 3-5ft apart)
10 each partner squat and toss (about 2-3ft apart)
10 each partner swing and toss (about 5-6ft apart)
10 each partner with feet off the ground and toss (1-2ft apart)
10 each partner sit and side toss (side by side)
Toes to bar
L- sits
9 Toes to Bar
12 weighted Alt Lunges (45/25lbs)
15 Kettle-Bell swings (53/35lbs)
EVF CFUES wishes Christy Phillips all the best at this weekends Mid Atlantic regionals. Christy is the sister of our very own Jackie Phillips
2013 06 05
8 rounds + 8 T2B Rx’d
Grip is limiting factor here