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Thursday, March 31 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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Mobility: Most of the time we’re focused on the upper body when we see push presses, but we must be mindful of the lower body, especially how our knees are tracking. KStarr’s mobs focus on FGB style push presses, but they are no doubt a great way to mobilize for our cycle as well.

Warm up
3 rounds or 7 minutes:
8 KB overhead press
8 strict toes to bar
8 burpees
30 second plank

Push press
3×5 across

Strict/weighted pull ups
3 x max effort, less than or equal to 10

We will aim to increase push press load 5# each week, so leave yourself room to grow

For time:
400m run
15 clean & jerks (135/95)
9 muscle ups
400m run
12 clean & jerks
6 muscle ups
400m run
9 clean & jerks
3 muscle ups

For time:
400m run
15 power cleans
12 pull ups/jumping pull ups
12 ring dips/push ups
400m run
12 power cleans
9 pull ups/jumping pull ups
9 ring dips/push ups
400m run
9 power cleans
6 pull ups/jumping pull ups
6 ring dips/push ups

*20-minute time cap

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