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Thursday, Nov. 30 Workout of the Day

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Mobility: With Thanksgiving behind us, we’re all gearing up for the December holidays. This typically means traveling. Here are 7 ways to help you unglue after a long flight or car ride.


3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
6 KB sdhp
6 burpee pull ups

At the 3:00 mark, 3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
8 KB sdhp
8 burpee pull ups

Continue adding 2 reps every 3 minutes until 12 minutes is up.

Rest 2 minutes


3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
8 wall balls
8 push ups

At the 3:00 mark, 3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
10 wall balls
10 push ups

Continue adding 2 reps every 3 minutes until 12 minutes is up.

Rest 2 minutes


3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
8 plank rows
8 v-ups

At the 3:00 mark, 3 minutes to complete:
2 rounds of
10 plank rows
10 v-ups

Continue adding 2 reps every 3 minutes until 12 minutes is up.