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Tuesday 5/13/2014 Workout of the day

By: 7 Comments

Workout of the day
“Take me on a free ride”

In 45 Mins complete the following
In teams of two
Row 6 X 400 meters relay sprints

6 EACH 🙂

1 partner works
The other REST! No active rest. Full rest. Enjoy it. Work hard on the row. Sprint the 400 meters.

Then AMRAP the following in the remainder of time
40 Sit ups w med ball toss
40 Air Squats
40 HR Push up w alt hand Claps
40 Ice Skater lunges
80 Double Unders/Singles

Both Partners can work at the same time.

Must Divide the work evenly
Cannot move onto next movement until both partners complete the work.

Comments: 7

    1. Is there anything you and Melissa can’t do? You are both running machines!!! Great job ladies!

  1. Plenty of sweaty balls at 500am!!!

    Nice curve ball coach Q.. Wouldn’t mind doing this one again and again.. Good intro to the running season.

    Me and gabby did great!! I think we got thur 4 1/2 rounds in the amrap.

  2. Was not happy about this at first, but it actually felt pretty good.

    Got through 4 rounds of amrap

  3. I think you should consider incorporating jumping over pits of fire, just to incorporate some real world scenarios! I will bring the wood.

    Think about it coach Q –

  4. Popping my blog cherry to say this was one of my favorite workouts yet!! Just started the 5th amrap when the buzzer went off. loooooooved it!!

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