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Tuesday, Jan. 3 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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Mobility: Catalyst Athletics is very well known for their lifting programs and coaching. Their athletes aren’t just born to be the best, they have to work to be the best. Part of that work includes mobility. Coach Greg Everett offers a look inside which areas should be mobilized prior to the snatch/OHS.

Warm up
3 sets:
2 snatch pulls
2 muscle snatch
2 behind neck snatch press
2 hang power snatch
2 power snatch

One round w/ empty bar, two more with weight.

Performance: Power snatch
5×2, ascending weight

Fitness: Hang power snatch
5×2, across

3 5-minute AMRAPs:
5 hang power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
30 double unders

Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs

Round 1: 135/95
Round 2: 115/75
Round 3: 95/65

3 5-minute AMRAPs:
5 kettlebell cleans
10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls
60 single unders

Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs

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