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Workout of the day – Friday May 31st 2024

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Warm up

4 rounds

10 Goblet Lunges (5/leg)

10 alternating groiners

10 alternating bird dogs

Time cap: 7 min

Back squat

5 at 75%, 4 at 80%, 3 at 82.5%, 2 at 87.5%, 2 at 90%


16 min partner AMRAP:

In teams of 2, switching every movement:

7 power cleans 115/80 lbs

10 front squats 115/80 lbs

13 pullups

Note: Today’s conditioning is indeed a partner wod that aims as holding each other accountable of minimizing rest other than when the other partner is working. Each movement should not take more than 2 sets. Adjust your own volume to achieve this.


Part A

4 rounds for load and quality:

12 double KB deficit sumo deadlifts AHAP – deficit of 4 inches, ie 45 lbs plates under each foot

1 min weighted plank hold

12 alternating double DB front rack box step ups

30 sec per side single leg wall sits

Part B

For time:


Cal row (ladies do 22-17-12-7)

Double DB front squats 50/35 lbs


Time cap: 18 min