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Workout of the day – Friday November 3rd 2023

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6 min AMRAP:

8 alternating bird dogs

8 hollow rocks

8 double DB burpee deadlifts

Deficit deadlift and seated box jumps

Every 2:00 min for 6 rounds, perform:

3 deficit deadlifts at 50% of 1RM, standing up as fast as possible (4″ deficit = 45# plates)

3 seated box jumps

Note: superset the deadlift and the box jumps. Be as explosive as possible on both.


18 min alternating EMOM (3 rounds):

10/8 assault bike cal

12 alternating DB plank pull throughs

12/10 cal ski

20 KB Russian twists

12/10 cal row

20 per leg alternating double KB front rack march steps (10 per leg)

Note: do not arch back while performing the front rack march steps. Keep your torso neutral and raise knees to just above hip crease. This is core exercise, so if you don’t feel that your abs are working, you are doing it wrong.


Part A

Every 3:30 min for 4 rounds:

15/12 cal row

10 single KB suitcase deadlifts 24/16 kg – right side

25 ft. single KB farmer’s carry 24/16 kg – right side

10 single KB suitcase deadlifts 24/16 kg – left side

25 ft. single KB farmer’s carry 24/16 kg – left side

Part B

18 min alternating EMOM (3 rounds):

10/8 assault bike cal

12 alternating DB plank pull throughs

12/10 cal ski

20 KB Russian twists

12/10 cal row

20 per leg alternating double KB front rack march steps (10 per leg)

Note: do not arch back while performing the front rack march steps. Keep your torso neutral and raise knees to just above hip crease. This is core exercise, so if you don’t feel that your abs are working, you are doing it wrong.