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Workout of the day – Monday April 4th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

5 inch worms with push up

10 alternating plank extensions

5 ring rows

Bodybuilding / Midline / Bench press

Using your estimated Bench press 1RM from Thursday 3/17, perform 5 rounds of the following, rotating through movements:

8 bench presses at 70%

20 alternating seated DB preacher curls

8/leg single leg KB RDL

Time cap: 20 min

General Physical Preparedness

15 min AMRAP with buy-in:

buy-in: 1 mile run (3 laps around the block)

Then, in the remaining time, AMRAP:

5 wall walks

10 KB snatches 24/16 kg

10 toes-to-bar

10 KB snatches 24/16 kg

Note: switch arm anytime for the snatches, scale to kipping hanging knee raises preferably rather than V-ups


Part A

Every 4 min for 5 rounds:

12/10 cal ski

12 pushups

50 ft. burpee broad jumps

12 DB floor presses

Max plank hold in the remaining time of the interval

Score: total accumulated seconds holding a plank

Part B

15 min AMRAP with buy-in:

buy-in: 1 mile run (3 laps around the block)

Then, in the remaining time, AMRAP:

5 wall walks

10 KB snatches 24/16 kg

10 toes-to-bar

10 KB snatches 24/16 kg

Note: switch arm anytime for the snatches, scale to kipping hanging knee raises preferably rather than V-ups