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Workout of the day – Monday June 17th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds of:

5 Inchworm with Push-ups

20 band pull aparts

5/side half kneeling bottom up KB presses

Snatch complex

3x[1 snatch high pull + 1 hang squat snatches]

Every 90 sec for 6 rounds (9 min) with load ~60%


For time:

10 alternating pistols

15 Handstand pushups

200m run

30 hang power snatches 75/35 lbs

40 deadlifts 75/35 lbs

30 hang clusters 75/35 lbs

200m run

15 Handstand pushups

10 alternating pistols

Time cap: 14 min


Part A

20 min alternating EMOM:

100 ft. broad jumps

12 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

45 sec handstand hold / plank hold

50 ft. per side single KB farmer’s carry

Part B

For time:

10 KB goblet lunges 20/12 kg

15 pushups

200m run

30 KB snatches 20/12 (15/arm)

40 American KBS 20/12 kg

30 single KB thrusters 20/12 kg (15/arm)

200m run

15 pushups

10 KB goblet lunges 20/12 kg

Time cap: 14 min