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Workout of the day – Monday June 3rd 2024

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

5/side thoracic extensions

5 KB/DB windmills per side

10 wall facing squats (arms up)

Snatch complex

1 snatch high pull + 1 hang snatch + 1 overhead squat + 2 snatches

Every 90 sec for 6 rounds (9 min), building. Use your load from 2 weeks ago to determine where to start, with now 2 snatches to finish the complex.


For time:

15-12-9 reps of

Toes to bars

Overhead squats 95/65 lbs

— rest 2 min, then:

12-9-6 reps of:

Chest to bar pullups

Overhead squats 135/95 lbs

Time cap: 16 min

Goal: <12 min

Scaling: replace the toes to bars with hanging knee raises or V-ups. Adjust chest to bar pullups to a version you can do in 2 sets or less each round, preferably ring rows over regular pullups. Focus on depth of overhead squat, so lower the weight if it restricts range of motion. Alternatively, scale to plate overhead squats.


Part A

18 min to perform 4-5 rounds for load and quality of:

8 dragonflies

100 ft. double DB overhead carries

8 double DB front raises

4 seated box jumps

Part B

3 rounds for time:

500m/400m row

30-20-10 toes to bars

30-20-10 single DB overhead lunges 50/35 lbs

Time cap: 16 min

Goal: <13 min

Scaling: replace the toes to bars with hanging knee raises or V-ups.