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Workout of the day – Monday May 13th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

10 PVC passthroughs

5 behind the neck snatch grip push presses

5 overhead squats

5 hang squat snatches


Snatch complex, for load, every 90 sec for 6 rounds (9 min), building: 1 deadlift + 1 hang snatch + 1 overhead squat + 1 snatch


16 min AMRAP ladder**:

1-2-3-4… reps of the following barbell complex:

3 deadlifts + 2 snatches + 1 overhead squat 95/65 lbs

** after each round, run 200m

Note: Scale the weight so that you can complete each complex unbroken. You can reset between reps complexes. 1 rep of the complex is: 3 deadlifts + 2 snatches + 1 overhead squat. For example, in round 4 (after your third 200m run), you will complete this complex 4 times, then go for another 200m run

Snatch any style, but if squat snatch on the second snatch, it is NOT counted as your overhead squat.


Part A

15 min to perform 4-5 rounds of:

10 rower pike ups

100 ft. per arm bottom-up KB carry

10 plate overhead squats

Part B

16 min AMRAP ladder**:


Alternating single DB power cleans 50/35 lbs

Alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs

Alternating DB overhead lunge steps 50/35 lbs (switch arm as desired, the reps are the number of steps, half on each leg)

** after each round, run 200m

Note: The reps each round are total, not per side. For example, for the round of 8, this is 4 reps per side of power cleans, 4 reps per side of snatches, 4 steps per side of OH lunges. Then go for a run, then start the round of 10. Switch arm anytime on the OH lunges