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Workout of the day – Saturday April 9th

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Partner WOD

In teams of 2, on a 40 min running clock:

From 0:00 to 15:00, perform:

2,000m/1,600m row/ski (split as desired)

in the remaining time, find a max weight squat clean for each partner

From 15:00 to 30:00, perform

2,000m/1,600m row/ski (split as desired, whichever machine you did not do in the first part)

in the remaining time, find a max weight cluster for each partner

From 30:00 to 40:00, perform:

100 wall balls 20/14 (split as desired)

in the remaining time, find a max weight snatch for each partner


In teams of 2, on a 40 min running clock:

From 0:00 to 15:00, perform:

2,000m/1,600m row/ski (split as desired)

in the remaining time, AMRAP of: 5 goblet squats 24/16 kg, 10 situps, 15 pushups (switch every round)

From 15:00 to 30:00, perform

2,000m/1,600m row/ski (split as desired, whichever machine you did not do in the first part)

in the remaining time, AMRAP of: 5 pullups, 10 single KB thrusters 24/16 kg, 15 box jumps 24/20 in

From 30:00 to 40:00, perform:

100 wall balls 20/14 (split as desired)

in the remaining time, max wall ball box step overs (switch anytime)

Olympic lifting

Warm-up: 3 rounds of:

5 Tall snatches with empty BB

5 BTN power jerks

5 snatch balances

Muscle snatches + overhead squat – 4x(3+3) at 40%

Time cap: 10 min

Fragmented snatches – 5×3 at 60%

Time cap: 12 min

Overhead squat – 5×5 at 65%

Time cap: 12 min

Snatch high pulls – 3×5 at 75%

Time cap: 8 min

Accessory:  Tabata wall ball situps