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Workout of the day – Saturday June 15th 2024

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

Teams of 2, for time, partners complete full rounds:

10 rounds

200m run

9 power snatches [BB: 95/65 lbs / double DBs: 2×40/25 lbs]

— then, 8 rounds of:

200m run

12 clean & jerks [BB: 95/65 lbs / double DBs: 2×40/25 lbs]

— then 6 rounds of:

15 chest-to-bar pullups

15 overhead squats [BB: 95/65 lbs / Plate overhead squats: 45/35 lbs]

Time cap: 35 min

Olympic lifting

Part A

Snatch balance

7×1 – heavier than 2 weeks ago

Part B

4 sets of 3 snatches from above the knee

4 sets of 2 snatches from below the knee

Part C

4 min EMOM:

1 snatch at 85%

Part D

10 min alternating EMOM:

15/12 cal row

2 snatches AHAP with no fail