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Workout of the day – Saturday June 8th 2024

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Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)


6 Rounds for time, one partner working at a time, split as desired:

400m/320m row

30 med ball partner sit-ups (15 each) 20/14 lbs

20 pull-ups

10 burpee box jumps 24/20 in

Time cap: 38 min

Note from Josh Weinstein:

Praise Ezechibueze was tragically taken by a rip current on May 6th, 2023 and is survived by his mother, father, and three brothers. Praise was born on April 12th 2002 in Lagos, Nigeria. Through his families hard work he moved to Brazil and eventually was able to get a visa to the united states where he grew up in Edison, NJ. He went to the University of Delaware pursuing a career of  becoming a Doctor. He was one of the  most alive people i knew who pursued his passion in music by playing bass for his church, working out,  being a great teammate in sports such as volleyball, soccer. Praise was a great sparring partner in Brazilian jiu jitsu and boxing,  and was the biggest party animal who brought energy everywhere he went.

It still hurts a lot writing that and makes me unsure to recommend this workout out in his remembrance. I just will always remember him for his great smile and warm energy that made everyone around him better. My hope is to keep his spirit alive in everything and to represent him in the best way.

See link for rip current awareness

Olympic lifting

Part A

Overhead squats

5×3 – higher than last week’s snatch balance

Part B

3 position snatch – above the knee, below the knee, from the ground

5 sets, increasing

Part C

Snatch high pull + snatch

5x[1+1] at 80-85%

Part D

10 min AMRAP ladder:

1-2-3-4… wall walks

3-6-9-12…snatches 115/80 lbs