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Workout of the day – Saturday March 18th

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9am class – Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit)

Teams of 2, 30 rounds for time. switch partner after full round:

3 double DB box steps over 24/20 in 50/35 lbs

2 wall walks

10 pushups

Time cap: 30min


Open Quarterfinals test 2 – Team version

12-minute AMRAP:

8 synchro dumbbell snatches, right arm 50/35 lbs

8 synchro dumbbell walking-lunge steps, right arm 50/35 lbs

8 synchro dumbbell snatches, left arm 50/35 lbs

8 synchro dumbbell walking-lunge steps, left arm 50/35 lbs

80 jump ropes crossovers (split as desired)

Open Quarterfinals test 3 – Team version

8 rounds for max weight:

5 burpee box jump-overs 30/24 in

1 clean and jerk, choose weight

OR max double DB clean and jerks in 20 sec

Time cap: 10 minutes

Note: For barbell option, choose your weight. Only successful C&J count towards total

For DB option, once the BBJO are done, partner has 20 sec to accumulate as many DB C&J as possible

Open Quarterfinals test 4 – Team version

20-minute partner AMRAP, on partner working at a time, split as desired:

1,000m/800m row

50 V-ups

500m/400m row

25 V-ups