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Workout of the day – Sunday June 9th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds of:

16 lunges (bodyweight)

8 bootstrap squats

8 hang squat clean and jerks (add warm up load through the rounds)


Part A – Every 90 sec for 5 rounds:

1 clean pull + 1 clean + 1 front squat + 1 hang clean + 1 front squat

Part B – In 10 min, perform 5 sets of 2 hang cleans from above the knee. Compare to 2 weeks ago


Every 4 min for 4 rounds, each round for time:

25/20 cal row

20 lateral bar burpees

15 thrusters 95/75 lbs

Time cap each round: 3:30 min, you should have at least 30 sec of rest/transition


Part A

20 min alternating EMOM:

8 double KB cleans

12 alternating box steps up

8 strict toes-to-bars / hanging knee raises

12 plate ground-to-overheads

12 DB renegade rows

Part B

Every 4 min for 4 rounds, each round for time:

25/20 cal row

20 burpees

15 wall balls 20/14 lbs

Time cap each round: 3:30 min, you should have at least 30 sec of rest/transition