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Workout of the day – Sunday May 12th 2024

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Warm up

15 wall or floor slides

10 PVC Cuban presses


3 rounds:

10 PVC passthroughs

10 single DB overhead squats (5 per side)

20 band pullaparts


6 rounds 2 min AMReps:

15/12 cal row + max snatches – see weights in notes

— rest 90 sec between rounds

Note: Start at 40% of 1RM and increase by 10% each round to finish at 90%

Accessory strength

4 rounds for quality:

12 alternating DB plank pull through

100 ft. per arm single KB overhead carry

8 weighted hanging knee raises


Part A

4 rounds for quality:

12 alternating DB plank pull through

100 ft. per arm single KB overhead carry

8 weighted hanging knee raises

Part B

21 min alternating EMOM:

10/8 cal row + max rep single arm devil presses in the remaining time

10 alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs + max burpees box jumps over 24/20 in in the remaining time
