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Workout of the day – Sunday May 19th 2024

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

6 alternating single DB devil cleans

10 jumping squats

14 band pull aparts


Part A – Every 90 sec for 5 rounds:

1 clean pull + 1 clean + 1 front squat + 1 hang clean

Part B – In 10 min, perform 5 sets of 2 hang cleans from below the knee


5 min AMRAP:

10/8 cal row

10 clean and jerks 95/65 lbs

— rest 2 min, then,

5 min AMRAP:

10 burpees

10 hang squat cleans 135/95 lbs


Part A

2 rounds of all of the below:

4 min AMRAP:

10/8 cal row

10 double DBs cleans 50/35 lbs

— rest 2 min, then,

4 min AMRAP:

10 burpees

10 double DBs shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs

— rest 2 min, then,

4 min AMRAP:

3 double DBs manmakers 50/35 lbs

20 lateral hops over the dumbbells

— rest 2 min, then repeat the full cycle, resetting each AMRAP.

Part B


For time:

50 plate situps 25 lbs