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Workout of the day – Thursday May 23rd 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 scap pushups

10 banded face pulls

5/arm single dumbbell Z-presses

10 alternating single dumbbell overhead lunges

Shoulder press

5 at 70%, 4 at 75%, 4 at 77.5%, 3 at 80%, 2 at 85%, 1 at 90%

Use your latest 1RM as reference

Split jerk

From the ground, Every 90 sec for 6 rounds (9 min), 4 split jerks, starting at 60% and building


Every 2 min, for 5 rounds, each for time:

50 double unders

9 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

7 double DB hang power cleans 50/35 lbs

5 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs


Part A

16 min alternating EMOM:

30 plate Russian twists

10 double DB Z-presses

10 plate V-ups

10 lateral DB raises

Part B

Every 2 min, for 5 rounds, each for time:

50 double unders

9 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

7 double DB hang power cleans 50/35 lbs

5 double DB shoulder to overheads 50/35 lbs