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Workout of the day – Thursday May 30th 2024

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

10 banded pullaparts

10 floor slides

5 inch works with pushups

5 per side half kneeling bottom up KB presses

Shoulder press

5 at 75%, 4 at 80%, 3 at 82.5%, 2 at 87.5%, 2 at 90%

Split jerk

From the ground, Every 90 sec for 7 rounds (10:30 min), 3 split jerks, starting at 70% and building


For time:

3-6-9-12-15 reps of:

Handstand pushups

Box jumps 24/20 in

Alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs

Time cap: 12 min


Part A

20 min alternating EMOM:

8/side half kneeling single arm DB presses AHAP

50 ft. single DB overhead walking lunges, right arm

30 alternating handstand shoulder taps (wall facing) or 30 alternating plank shoulder taps

Pike handstand around the box (~20 sec each way)

50 ft. single DB overhead walking lunges, left arm

Part B

For time:

3-6-9-12-15 reps of:

Handstand pushups (scaled: deficit pushups / banded deficit pushups)

Box jumps 24/20 in

Alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs

Time cap: 12 min