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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 11th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

5 inch worms with pushup

10 alternating bird dogs

200m run


5 at 75%, 4 at 82.5%, 4 at 85%, 3 at 90%, 2 at 95%

Note: If you failed your 2 reps at 92.5% last week, attempt again this week prior to attempting 95%

Bench press

5 at 75%, 4 at 82.5%, 4 at 85%, 3 at 90%, 2 at 95%

Note: If you failed your 2 reps at 92.5% last week, attempt again this week prior to attempting 95%


 6 rounds of 1 min work, 1 min rest between:

12 wall balls 20/14 lbs

Max deadlifts 275/205 lbs in the remaining time

Note: Scale to about 70% of 1RM to allow for at least 3-4 reps each interval


Part A

5 sets of each for load:

10 DB bench presses

100 ft. single KB farmer’s carry per side

10 single leg single KB RDL per side

Part B

Every 3 min for 5 rounds:

20 wall balls 20/14 lbs

15 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

10 double DB floor wipers