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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 4th 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

10 high box steps up

5 inch worms with pushups

5 fire hydrants per side

10 cal machine (row/ski/bike)


5 at 75%, 5 at 80%, 4 at 82.5%, 3 at 85%, 2 at 92.5%

Bench press

5 at 75%, 5 at 80%, 4 at 82.5%, 3 at 85%, 2 at 92.5%


3 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station:

Max cal ski

Max single KB shoulder to overheads 24/16 kg [switch arm as desired]

Max distance broad jumps

Max single KB box steps up 24/16 kg, 24/20 in



Part A

5 rounds for quality and load:

12 alternating cossack squats

100 ft. per side single KB farmers’ carry

6/side single leg RDL

6 tempo pushups 31X1

Note: for cossack squats, scale to supported cossack squats by holding the rig but going to full depth each leg. For tempo pushups, scale with a band-assisted pushup or pushup on box: 3 sec down, 1 sec at the bottom, as fast up as possible, repeat.

Time cap: 20 min

Part B

3 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station:

Max cal ski

Max single KB shoulder to overheads 24/16 kg [switch arm as desired]

Max distance broad jumps

Max single KB box steps up 24/16 kg, 24/20 in
