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Workout of the day – Tuesday May 14th 2024

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Warm up

Every 30 seconds for 3 rounds, rotating through (3 rounds of each):

No pushup burpees

Jumping jacks

Alternating lunges

Deadlifts & Bench press

In 20 min, find a heavy set of 3 deadlifts and 3 bench presses

Suggested warm-up:

5 reps at 40%

5 reps at 50%

3 reps at 60%

2 reps at 70%

1 rep at 80%

1 rep at 90%

Then first attempt of a heavy 3


3 rounds of 3 min AMReps:

3 bar MUs or 6 Chest to bar pullups

6 devil presses 50/35 lbs

max cal row in the remaining time

— rest 1 min between rounds

Note to coaches: Stagger the start by 2 min and have athletes share equipment.


Part A

5 rounds for quality and load:

20 alternating weighted cossack squats (10/leg)

5 per leg single leg box jumps

5/side staggered stance weighted good mornings (DB or KB behind neck)

100 ft. per side single KB farmers’ carry

Note: for single leg box jumps, use a small box or stack a few crash pads

Time cap: 20 min

Part B

6 rounds for time:

15 double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs

10 pullups

5 burpee box jumps 24/20 in

Time cap: 14 min