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Workout of the day – Wednesday December 27th 2023

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Warm up

Row/ski 500m/400m or bike 1,000m/800m, then

2 rounds:

4 KB Turkish get ups per side

8/arm single arm KB clean and jerk

Skills – pistols

5 minutes of pistols progressions skill work

Single leg box squats (or on med ball)

Single leg box step up/down

Curtsy squats

Single leg squat with heel on plate

Single leg squat holding plate as counter balance


Advanced: Weighted pistols holding a dumbbell in goblet position


Every 10 min for 3 rounds:

500/400m row

40 box jumps over 24/20 in

30 double DB burpee deadlifts 50/35 lbs

200m run

— rest the remainder of the interval

Olympic lifting

Warm up & activation

1 Round

10/letter Prone Y-T-As (5lbs/2.5lbs)

5/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch

5/arm Squat Hold and Reach

5 Empty Bar Good Mornings

5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press

5 Overhead Squats with pause in bottom

5 Pressing Snatch Balance

5 Snatch Balances

5 Snatch Drops

Movement Specific Prep

3 Reps at Each:

Tall Position

Tall Snatch High Pulls

Tall Muscle Snatch

Tall Power Snatch

Tall Squat Snatch

Power Position

Snatch High Pulls

ScareCrow Snatch

Power Snatch

Hang Above Knee

Snatch High Pulls

Scare Crows

Power Snatch


Slow Pull to Pockets into High Pull

Power Snatch

Snatch EMOM

Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Mins

1 Power Snatch (Start @ 50% & add 5% each min)

– Rest 1 Min –

Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Mins

1 Hang Squat Snatch  (Start @ 60% & add 5% each min)

Skill Accessories

Snatch Balance

Every 90 Seconds for 7 Rounds

2 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 70%

2 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat@ 75%

2 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 80%

2 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 85%

1 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 90%

1 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 90%

1 Snatch Balances + 1 Overhead Squat @ 90%

*Scale Snatch Balance = Snatch Push Jerk to Overhead Squat


For Time

10 Wallwalks

20 snatches

30 WallBalls

40 Calories Row

RX: 115/75

Int: 95/65

Scaled: 75/55