Workout of the day – Wednesday February 15th
Warm up
2 rounds of:
5 Russian baby makers
5/side thoracic extensions
10 plate Da-Vinci raises
10 plate ground to overheads
6 rounds rotating through each station with 30 sec work / 30 sec rest (36 min total), for max reps (1 round = 1 time through all the stations):
Assault bike calories (Goal: 12/10 cal each round)
Handstand pushups / pushups (Goal: 12-15 reps each round)
Lateral burpees box jumps overs 24/20 in (7-8 reps each round)
Alternating single leg V-ups (Goal: 16-18 reps each round)
Heavy wall balls 30/20 lbs (Goal: 10-12 reps each round)
Alternating single DB hang power clean and jerks 50/35 lbs (Goal: 12-15 reps each round)
Mobility – Time permitting
2023 02 14