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Workout of the day – Wednesday May 22nd 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds

20 alternating plank shoulder taps

5/side single arm KB high pulls

5/side KB windmills

5/side KB front rack lunges


Every 4 min for 4 rounds:

30/24 cal row

20 American KBS 24/16 kg

10 pushups

— rest 4 min

Every 4 min for 4 rounds:

400m run

16 double DB front rack lunges 50/35 lbs

Note: Perform all 4 rounds on one station first, rest 4 min, then all 4 rounds of the other station


Warm Up

2 rounds (10mins)

10/7 Calorie Ski

5 Down Dog/Seal Pose

10 Scap Pull-Ups

20 Alternating V-Ups

10 Ring Rows

Level Descriptions

Level 1: 0 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 2: 1-4 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 3: 5+ Strict Pull-Ups

Pull-Up Strength

Every 90 Seconds for 5 Rounds

Level 1: Assisted Pull-Ups

5 Toe Assisted Pull-Ups

Level 2: Strict & Negative Pull-Ups

2 Strict Pull Ups + 3 Negative Pull-Ups (Banded if needed)

*Goal is to get to 5 reps with combo of both with at LEAST 1 Strict

Level 3: Weighted Pull-Ups

5 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups

*Find 5 Rep Max with Weight over the 5 Rounds


For Time: 5min Cap

2 Rounds

5 Double DB Devil Press

20 Medball V-Ups

-90sec Rest-

For Time: 5min Cap

2 Rounds

15 Toes-to-Bar

15 Ring Rows

RX: 50/35

Int: 35/25

Scaled: 15/10

Accessory Work

2 Rounds

30 Seated Medball ObliqueTwist

20 Banded Lat Pull-Down

Empty Barbell 21s

* 7 Bottom Half + 7 Top Half + 7 Full Range