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Workout of the day – Wednesday May 29th 2024

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Warm up

Every 90 sec for 4 rounds:

10 cossack squats

10 squat thrusts

10 kipping swings / kipping hanging knee raises


For time:

3 rounds of:

15 toes-to-bars

15 wall balls 20/14 lbs

15 KB snatches 24/16 kg

— rest 1 min

Then: 2,000m/1,600m row

— rest 1 min

Then: 45 toes-to-bars

45 wall balls 20/14 lbs

45 KB snatches 24/16 kg

Time cap: 30 min

Note: Sub the toes to bars with hanging knee raises. If desired, can replace the row with ski or sub with 100/75 cal assault bike.

Scaling: This is a lot of volume, scale down the reps to 10-10-10 for the first part and 30-30-30 for the third part if you or a number that allows you to do the sets in the first part unbroken for most of it.

Power lifting

Warm Up

2 rounds (10mins)

:15sec Chin Over Bar Hold

10 PVC Pass Throughs

5/side PVC Windmills

10 Knee-Tucks

5 Down Dog/Seal Pose

Level Descriptions

Level 1: 0 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 2: 1-4 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 3: 5+ Strict Pull-Ups

Pull-Up Strength

Every 90 Seconds for 5 Rounds

Level 1: Negative Pull-Ups

5 Banded Negative Pull-Ups

*Jump to start with chin above bar and controll till arms all locked out.

Level 2: Strict & Negative Pull-Ups

2 Strict Pull Ups + 5 Negative Pull-Ups (Banded if needed)

*Goal is to get to 7 reps with combo of both with at LEAST 1 Strict

Level 3: Weighted Pull-Ups

7 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups @ 70% of 5 rep Max Weight

*Weight stays @ 70% for all 5 Sets


For AMRAP in 3 Minutes

30 Toes-to-Bar

Max Calorie Ski With Time Left

-1.5 Min Rest-

For AMRAP in 3 Minutes

30 Sit-Ups

Max Calorie Row with Time Left

-1.5 Min Rest-

For AMRAP in 3 Minutes

30 Shuttle Runs (25ft = 1 rep)

Max V-Ups with Time Left

Accessory Work

3 Rounds

10 seated banded rows

15 Banded Hollow Pull-Overs

10/arm Alternating Double DB Hammer Curls