Workout of the day – Wednesday October 26th
Warm up
4 min AMRAP:
5 kipping swings
5 yoga pushups
5 per leg assisted single leg squats
For time:
Buy-in: 1,000m run (2 laps around the block)
then, 2 rounds of:
50 burpees
40 pullups
30 pistols
20 American KBS 24/16 kg
10 handstand pushups
then, buy-out: 1,000m run
Time cap: 40min
Scaling: if banded pullups, reduce the volume to 20 pullups each round, otherwise, perform ring rows. Pullups should be efficient, with kipping or butterfly.
Scale the pistols with either curtsy squats or alternating lunges.
Handstand pushups can be scaled to regular pushups or pike pushups.
The run should not take more than 5:30. Shorten the distance if you believe you will not be able to run a km under 5min 30 sec.
2022 10 25