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Friday, Sept. 23 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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[embed][/embed] Mobility: Check out these hamstring mobs specific to deadlifting. Be mindful of too much static stretching prior to lifting though; keep the warmup dynamic and the cool down static. Warm up 7 minutes: 8 good mornings 8 single leg deadlifts 8 hollow rocks 30 second plank Strength Deadlift Performance:…

Thursday, Sept. 22 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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[embed][/embed] Mobility: If you're having trouble with the overhead press, try resetting the shoulder. Happy joints = happy lifts! Warm up 3 rounds: 10 ring rows 10 overhead walking lunges 10 burpees Strength Strict press Performance: 80%, 4x5 Fitness: 5x5, across Conditioning Performance 21-15-9 reps for time: Overhead squats (115/75)…