2013 12 06
Here are tomorrow's division and heat list. Check the previous post for times. Get plenty of rest and see you all bright and early. PS Bring your jump ropes. Athlete Heat list Womens Scaled Heat 1 Mora Klara Kimberly Sammy Heat 2 Lindsey Allie Cynthia Brynn Kristen Mens scaled Heat…
EVF Battle Of The Fittest Information
Good morning folks and happy pre competition eve! Below are some helpful tips a few minor changes and tomorrow's schedule. I had previously said I would hope to conclude by 1pm. With the amazing turnout and response from our community the participation has increased the number of heats. The doors…
2013 12 06
Warm up 3 rounds of 30 secs Inch Worms Iron Cross stretches Groiners Supermans Sonics Child pose into a downward facing dog (getting our yoga on bro) Strength/Skill 8 Min EMOM Even Min: 20 Double Unders ODD Min: 10 Strict Pull ups Training (Met-Con) 6 Rounds 10 Rack alt Lunges…
2013 12 05
Warm up W a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass Thru's 10 Around the worlds (5each way) 10 Over Head Squats 5 strict pull ups 10 push ups Then Burgener Warm up Strength/Skill Snatch Complex 1 Snatch 1 hang snatch 1 Over Head Squat In 15 mins build to…
2013 12 04
Warm up 3 sets of 50 Single jump ropes or Double Unders 10 planks 2 Push ups 10 Rings to chest 10 Sonics Strength/Skill 3 rounds no measure 5 Strict Chest to bar Pull ups 5 HSPU 6 Pistols Practice the above skill movements with no clock. Go through the…
2013 12 03
Warm up 400 Meter row/run/ Ski 3 sets of 5 Inch Worms 5 Squat stretches 5 Russian KB Swings( light) 10 Supermans Strength/Skill Front Squats 10-5-5-5-10 Training (Met-Con) 10 Min Ascending Ladder 2-4-6-8-10 etc... Squat cleans (135/95) Hand Release push ups Scale options Scale weight on Squat cleans Sub squat…
2013 12 02
EVF Battle Of The Fittest Info
Its almost here! Are you excited? Nervous? Pumped up? YEAAAA BUDDY! I know we are. This is our first in-house event in which our very own members (YOU) will test their CrossFit fitness amongst each other in true CrossFit competition fashion. Awesomeness! Here are some last minute details,…
2013 12 02
Warm up 3 sets of 5 wall balls 5 Sumo Dead lift High pulls 5 Box Jumps 5 Push Presses 5 cal Row Training ( Met-Con) "Fight Gone Bad!" 3 rounds 1 Min Each station 1 Min rest between each round Wall-balls (20/14) Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55) Box Jump (20)…
2013 12 01
Warm up 250 Meter row Burgener Warm up Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 6 Min EMOM 4/5 Power Snatches (95/65) Training (Met-Con) Worlds Aids Day In conjunction with boxes around the world and our friends at BRICK New York "Kurt's Team Chipper" – in teams of 2 people 100 pullups 100 box…
2013 11 30
Warm up 15 mins W a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass Thru's 10 around the worlds 10 Over Head squats W an empty barbell 2 Sets of 5 Rack Lunges 5 push presses 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Snatch with Dead lifts 5 Squat Clean Thrusters Training (Met-Con)…
2013 11 29