Workout of the Day A) Five Sets of High Hang Snatch x 1.1.1 Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets B) Return of "THE RIF" Clean/Hang Clean/Hang Clean + Jerk ladder Weights: 135/165/195 (Men) Weights: 95/115/135 (Women) everyone should scale accordingly... The workout…
Workout of the Day A) Five Sets of: Floor Press x 5 reps @22X1 Rest 60 seconds Pendlay Rows x 10 reps Rest 2 minutes B) In 20 minutes complete as many rounds as reps as possible of: 250M row 10 Ring Dips 10 Pull Ups 10 Burpees…
STRENGTH Workout of the Day MAIN EVENT: 1) Every minute on the minute for 7 min complete: 1 Snatch Grip Deadlift 1 Snatch 1 High-Hang Snatch 2A) Deadlift (3's week) Set 1 - 40% x 5 Reps Set 2 - 50% x 5 Set 3…
Workout of the Day A) Five sets of: Front Squat x 5 reps @22X1 Rest 20 seconds Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps Rest 3 minutes B) Complete rounds of 15-12-9-6-3: Overhead Squats (95/65) Burpees …
Workout of the Day A) Six sets of: 3 position clean (Floor, Hang, High Hang) Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets B) "Running Elizabeth" 21 Cleans(135/95) 21 Ring Dips 400m Run 15 Cleans 15 Ring Dips 400m Run 9 Cleans 9 Ring Dips 400m Run …
STRENGTH Workout of the Day MAIN EVENT 1A) Press (1′s week) Set 1 – 40% x 5 Reps Set 2 – 50% x 5 Set 3 – 60% x 3 Set 4 – 75% x 5 Set 5 – 85% x 3 Set 6 – 95%…
Workout of the Day A) Four Sets of: Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @21X1 Rest 90 seconds Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps B) Three rounds for time of: 50 Double Unders 20 Box Jumps 20 Toes to Bar