Warm up 400 Meter run Dynamic Stretches Crab walks Inch Worms Spider man crawls Strength Level 2 (advance) Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% Level 1 (beginner) Push press 5-5-5-5-5 Build up to a challenging set of 5 reps Training Level 2 (Advance) 3 rounds for time of…
Warm up dynamic stretches focus on Shoulder/Hip/ankle 5 point Burpees Strength/skill Level 2 (advance) Pistols 4 on the min for 8 mins remainder of time during the minute hold into a plank Level 1 (beginner) alternating weighted back wards lunges 3 sets of 10 on each leg hold…
Warm up 600 meter run Dynamic stretches W an empty barbell Clean prep work Strength Level 2 Cleans 3-3-2-1-1-1 60%-70%80%-90 %-95%- new 1RM Build to a new 1RM Level 1 (beginner) Hang cleans 3-3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a challenging set of 3 Training Level 2 For…
Warm up 400 meter row/ski mobility coaches choice Skill: floor press Level 1: 3-3-3-3-3-3 (static weight) Level 2: 3-3-3-3-3-3 (ascending weight each set) Training Written by "The sweet big red diesel" charlie hustle level 2 (advance) 100 Kettlebell swings for time (24/18) EMOM even minutes: 5 toes 2…
Happy Birthday MUUUUUURICA!!!! Today we celebrate this awesome countries Independence with fireworks, BBQ, sunshine and some good ole training! Lets dedicate this workout to one of our fallen hero's. Hero WOD "Daniel" Level 2 (advance) For time: 50 Pull-ups 400 meter run 95 pound Thruster, 21 reps (65lbs…
Warm up Shoulder traction w bands LAX Ball on scapula Partner stair climb (suck fest) With an empty barbell 3 sets of 3 dead lifts 3 power cleans 3 hang power cleans 3 Jerks Workout prep Take 2-3 sets to Build up to a starting…
This is an amazing blog post by one of my mentors, owner and head coach of CrossFit Invictus based in San Diego. Don’t Workout With Strangers Elevators are awkward. They present an opportunity by which you could be uncomfortably confined with several individuals that you have never met. Body…
Warm up 400 Meter run w med ball 3 sets of 20 Air squats 10 Groiners Mobility coaches choice Strength Back Squats Level 2 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 Build up to a new…