Happy anniversary EVF CrossFit Upper East side! Here is to a great year of many amazing memories and to many more to come. We couldn't have done it without such an amazing community of people. This is a very special place because each of you make it that way. Without…
This is what you have been all waiting for. The workouts! Workout 1 2 mins Max clean and Jerks (95/55lbs) 1 min rest 2 mins Max Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs) 1 min rest 2 mins Max Clean and Jerks (185/125lbs) Standards: You will have two mins…
Warmup: 3 sets: 6-8 x Wall Ball 6-8 x SDHP 6-8 x Box Jump 6-8 x Push Press 6-8 x Calories Determine weights used for workout. Training: "Tabata Fight Gone Bad" Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8…
East Hampton Classes start this Sunday. Click here for more information. Tell your friends!! (Non-members are welcome!) Don't let the coaches train alone!!!
20 Mins Open Gym Focus on Practicing HSPU Mobility Training 2 Rounds For time Run 400 Meters (1st ave and back) 30 KB Swings (53/35lbs) Run 600 Meters (around the block) 20 Air Squats Run 800 Meters ( 1st ave and back twice) 10 HSPU If it…
We are all very excited to host our first very own in house competition. Who will be crowned the King and Queen of EVF CrossFit Upper East side? Who wants to get a chance to throw down and test there fitness? When: Saturday June 22nd 2013. Gym will open at 8am.…
Warm up 5 Inch worms 10 Groiners 3 per leg scorpian stretches 5 seconds 2 Samspson stretches per leg 10 seconds 10 sets of 5 point burpees Strength Dead-lifts 3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a new 3RM Training for time 21-15-9 Dead-lifts (RX 225/155lbs) Burpees scale options for…
Warm up 400 meter run Mobility coaches choice Training Hero WOD Jared 4 rounds 800 meter run 40 pull ups 70 push ups scale options scale pull ups with bands or ring row scale Push ups with an abmat underneath your chest scale number of reps
Warm up Muscial Balls Mobility coaches choice Training: Partner WOD 5 min ascending ladder SDHP 75/55lbs partner A does 1 rep then the partner B does 1. Then partner A does 2 reps, then partner B does 2 reps. You continue up the ladder in this manner…
Remember: Next Thursday, June 13th is The Paleo Potluck in honor of EVF's 1 Year Anniversary! What are you bringing? Please add your name and what you are bringing to the white board or post it here in comments. Feel free to bring a friend or two!