Warm up 400 meter run Down and up shrugs with empty barbell Dynamic stretches Skill/ Sport Clean and split Jerk Rep and set scheme 5-3-1-1-1-1 The purpose behind todays work is to practice and develop good technique, speed and efficiency. Training Complete the following for time…
Warm up 400 meter run with med ball mobility Coaches choice Prep work Thruster Strength Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a heavy set of 3 Training Bench Mark "FRAN" Rep scheme 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 LBS Pull-ups -10 Minute time cap- This is a bench mark workout.…
Thursdays WOD 5/10 Warm up Double under practice Mobility Coaches Choice Snatch Prep Strength/Sport Hang Snatches 3-3-3-3-3-3 Wave build up to a 3 rep max Training TABATA Count how many reps you do per round, try and keep that pace for each round. Count up total number for all three…
-Warm up w empty barbell or PVC pipe 2 shrugs from high hang (hip) 2 shrugs from hang (top of the knee) 2 shrugs from the ground (mid shin) Dynamic stretches 2 power cleans from the high hang (hip) 2 hang cleans from the hang (top of the knee)…
Floor press, work up to 3 sets of 5 at 75% of max For assistance: Bentover barbell rows 4 sets of 8 Lying triceps extensions with kettlebells 4 sets of 10
-Warm up 400 meter run With PVC pipe 10 pass thru's 10 OHS 10 pass thru's 10 OHS 10 pass thru's 10 OHS -Skill toes to bar dynamic stretches Practice T2B/mobilize hips Work on Kipping and Knees 2 elbow/ T2B 10 thru the window 3 scorpion stretches (3 per leg,…
Monday's WOD to kick off the week! Approximately 50 days til summer! -Warm up Coach's Choice -Strength Dead-lifts 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 50%-60%-70%-80%-90%-95-100% -Training 7min AMRAP 7 Dead-lifts 155lb/115lb (scale will be 70% of 1RM) 14 Ring dips Scale ring dips with Push ups/ push ups on bars Have a quick read about deadlifts…
Main site Sunday's continue !! From The Crossfit.com archive - May 18th, 2012 Three rounds for time of: 50 Double-unders 40 Sit-ups 30 Medicine ball cleans, 20/16 pound ball 20 Pull-ups 10 Handstand push-ups If you are still trying to get your double-unders, check out this video: http://youtu.be/h7XjUbUpeHE
Workout of the Day FIGHT GONE BAD Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20" box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) In this workout you move from each of five stations…