2013 10 04
Warm up 1 min Partner Med ball Squat Squat and Toss (not a typo) 1 min Partner toss and burpee 1 min Partner sit ups w med ball 1 Min Partner seated around the back pass w med ball Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill "Bring Sally up, Bring Sally down" http://youtu.be/fc2mZkyb2so Training…
Warm up 600 Meter run 3 sets of 5 Inch worms 10 Planks 2 push ups 10 Box Jumps Dynamic Stretches Barbell clean Progression Strength/skill In 15 Mins Get as heavy as you can 1 Power Clean 2 Hang power Cleans Training (Met-con) "Run and gun" 21-15-9 Level 1 (Fitness)…
2013 10 03
Why Do Joints Break Down and How Can I Protect Them?
Cartilage To start, the key player with any joint is articular cartilage, the covering of the ends of the bones. In a nutshell, cartilage has little potential to repair itself. When you mix in aging, disease, and injury, the makeup of normal cartilage inevitably changes for the worse. Our cartilage changes…
2013 10 03
Warm up 3 sets of 5 Wall Balls 10 Super mans 15 Hollow Rocks 20 Leaping Lunges Dynamic Stretches TABATA 4x each Mountain climbers Ring Rows Training (Met-con) "Rowing dirty" Complete the following for time 400 meter row 40 Hand Release Push ups 20 KB Swings 600 Meter row 30…
2013 10 02
Warm up 5 mins Foam rolling legs, hips, It bands, lats Lax Ball on Scapula 3 sets of "CINDY" 5 strict pull ups 10 ring rows 15 air squats Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Front Squats w tempo 31x1 3-3-3-3-3 Training (Met-con) Lurong Living Paleo Challenge WOD #4 For time: 50 Thrusters…
2013 10 01
Custom Fit Meals is now at EVF
We are proud to announce our partnership with Custom Fit meals. You can now start placing your orders. All orders must be made by 11:59pm Tuesdays to ensure you will recieve your meals for the following week. If anyone would like to try a sample before commiting to a…
2013 10 01
Warm up 600 Meter run 3 sets of 5 Inch Worms 10 Super mans 15 Hollow rocks 20 Russian Twist 30 Jumping Jacks Training (Met-con) Rock the "KAZ" bah 5 Rounds 30 Secs AMRAP 30 Secs rest Deadlifts (185/130) Box Jumps (24/20) Burpees This workout is dedicated to one of…
2013 09 30
Warm up W an empty PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass thru's 10 Over Head Squats 2 sets of 5 strict pull ups/ 10 Ring rows 10 Burpees 20 Lunges Strength/ Skill Strict press 5-5-5-5-5 Super set w 15 Weighted Ab Mat Sit ups Training (Met-Con) For time complete…
2013 09 29
Warm up 3 Sets of 5 Push ups 10 Hollow Rocks 15 Air Squats Plank 30 secs-1 Min Strength/Skill EMOM 10 Mins Odd min 20 Double unders Even min 7 Burpees Scale double unders with 40 Singles Training ( Endurance) 1 Mile run 4 Min rest 1K row 3 Min…
2013 09 28
Warm up Partner warm up 2 sets of 30 Secs Squat and toss w med ball 30 Secs Squat hold and toss w med ball 30 secs Hip toss w med ball 30 secs sit and toss w med ball 30 secs sit and side pass w med ball Strength/Skill…
2013 09 27