2012 08 23
Part 2 of the Training to Failure series...Thank you to Jason Ferruggia at Renegade Gym How Were the Pioneers of Physical Culture Able to Get so Strong? People who know about my obsession with old time physical culture and the early days of strength training often ask…
Workout of the Day A. Four sets of: Deadlift x 5 reps Rest 20 seconds Wall Climbs x 4 reps Rest 3 minutes B. For time: 40 Double-Unders 20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg) 10 Handstand Push-Ups 600 Meter Run 10 Handstand Push-Ups 20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24…
2012 08 22
Thank you to Jason Ferruggia of Renegade Gym for this article...Part Two will be posted tomorrow If I had to pick one thing that holds people back more than anything else it would probably be training to failure. Of course, proper program design, a good diet and a…
2012 08 22
Workout of the Day A. Four sets of: Turkish Get-Ups x 3 reps each arm Rest 90 seconds L-Sit Tuck to Extension x 7-10 reps (extend the legs for 2-5 seconds, pull them in for 2-5 seconds and repeat) Rest 90 seconds B. Every minute, on the minute,…
2012 08 22
Workout of the Day A. Take 15-20 minutes and find today’s 1-RM Clean and Jerk. B. For time: 500 Meter Row 50 Kettlebell Swings 100 Air Squats 500 Meter Row Thanks to TechniqueWOD.com for these videos...
2012 08 21
Workout of the Day A. Press 5 x 3 B. Five rounds for max reps of: 60 seconds of Pull-Ups 60 seconds Ring Dips 60 seconds Burpees 60 seconds Rest On each ring dip, finish with pinky to your side and thumb turned out away from your body.
2012 08 20
2012 08 19
Workout of the Day A. Four sets of: Front Squat x 5-7 reps @ 30X1 Rest 90 seconds L-Sit x Max Hold (or elapsed time of 45-60 seconds) Rest 90 seconds B. In teams of two, partners alternate to complete 10 rounds each of: 135/95 lb Power Cleans…
2012 08 18
Workout of the Day A. Bench/Floor Press 5 x 5 Rest 2 Min Max Reps Ring Row Rest 2 Min B. Three Rounds of: 1 Min. Ring Push-Up 1 Min. Hollow Rock 1 Min. Handstand Hold 1 Min. Hanging (with active shoulders and a hollow body) 1…
2012 08 17
Workout of the Day A. Five sets of: 2-Position Clean (One from the ground, one from the hang) Rest 2-3 minutes between sets The goal is to focus on putting yourself in the correct positions, and then executing the lift with speed and intensity. Do not sacrifice speed…
2012 08 16