2013 11 01
Warm up 3 sets of W an Empty Barbell 10 Dead lifts 10 Thrusters 10 Bent over rows 2 sets of 3 Scorpian stretches 3 squat stretches 10 Groiners Barbell Clean progressions Training (Met-Con) In teams of 2 "The running man" As a team Complete 6 rounds of 400 meter…
Happy Novemeber Folks! Warm up 3 sets of 10 Wall Balls 10 V ups 10 Burpees w Med ball 10 Hollow Rocks Dynamic Stretches Double Under Practice 5 mins Strength/Skill Muscle up Transition work Or 3 MU EMOM for 8 Mins Training (Met-Con) "TABATA" 8 Rounds Each 20 secs AMRAP…
2013 10 31
Happy Halloween!! Warm up 3 sets of 30 secs each Push press empty Barbell Back squats Empty Barbell Sonics High knees Strength/Skill In 15 Mins build up as heavy as you can. No failed reps! -Taken from the rack- 2 Push Presses 1 Jerk Training (Met-Con) For time "Jacobs Ladder"…
2013 10 30
Warm up 3 sets of 5 Inch Worms 10 Supermans 15 Groiners 20 ice skaters Dynamic stretches Strength/Skill Dead Lifts 5-3-3-3-5 Training (Met-Con) 5 Rounds "The WALLking Dead" 10 Dead Lifts (225/155) (275/190) 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
2013 10 29
Warm up 1K Meter Row 2 sets of 1 Min plank 1 min Squat Hold 1 Min 100's Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 10 Min EMOM EVEN 3/5 HSPU ODD 5/7 Chest to bar Pull ups Training (Met-con) 4 Rounds 4 MIN AMRAP 3 Min Rest 15 Burpees 15 KB Presses (35/26)…
2013 10 28
Warm up 3 sets of 10 Air Squats 10 Groiners 10 Supermans 10 Push ups 10 Ring Rows to chest Barbell clean progression Strength/Skill Build as heavy as you can in 15 Mins Clean and Front Squat complex 2 Hang Power Cleans 2 Front Squats Training (Met-Con) For time Descending…
2013 10 27
Warm up 3sets of med ball V ups Russian twist Plank 30 secs-1min Side plank 20 -30 secs each side Mountain Climbers 30 secs Training (Endurance) Row 8x200 meters Work to Rest 2.1 ration Ski 4x400 Meters Work to rest 1.1 Ratio Run 3x 600 meter run Work to rest…
2013 10 26
Warm up With a PVC 3 sets of 10 Pass Thru's 10 Around the back 10 Muscle Snatches Dynamic Stretches Snatch progression w an empty barbell Strength/Skill 3 Power Snatches EMOM for 10 Mins 70% of 1RM Training (Met-Con) In teams of two Complete as many rounds as possible in…
2013 10 25
Warm up 3 sets of 30 secs each Groiners High Knees Wall Climbs Lunges Plank Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 4 sets of 20 Weighted Box Step ups (20 inch box) Use a Barbell, KB's or a med ball for resistance Super set with 10 Strict over head KB presses Rest 2-3…
2013 10 24
Warm up 400 meter run 3 sets of 10 Air Squats 10 push ups 10 V ups 10 Supermans Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 10 Mins Double under practice Level 1 (Fitness) Progressions Level 2 ( Performance) If you break before you hit the target you must begin again. You cannot move…
2013 10 23