Warm up 400 Meter row/Ski No time measure 2 sets of 20 walking lunges 10 Push ups 10 Duck walks 5 strict pull ups (10 ring rows) Plank 1 minute Skill/Strength Accessory work 3 sets of 8-10 Pendlay rows Superset with Straight up Ring holds 30 secs -1 minute…
Hey folks, Welcome to our new monthly segment called "Ask the coach" This is where you will be able to email us with questions you have in regards to anything pertaining to your health and fitness. You might get the occasional dating advice. Depends on my mood. This months question…
Warm up No time measure 2 sets of 10 Wall balls 10 band pull aparts 10 push ups with rotation 10 ring rows 10 groiners Dynamic stretches Skill/Strength Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a challenging set of 3 reps Training Partner WOD in teams of two…
Warm up Shoulder mobility with bands Dynamic stretches 3 sets of 10 box jumps 20 inch or lower (step down) 5 strict pull ups (10 ring rows) Burgener Warm up Skill/ Strength LV 2 Snatch grip High Pulls from the hang position 6 min Rotation w Partner 3 reps…
Warm up 3 sets of 5 wall balls 5 Burpees 10 band pull aparts dynamic stretches Strength Floor press 5-5-5-5-5 50%-60%-65%-75%-85% of your 1RM or build up to a challenging set of 5 reps Training from the CrossFit archives Sept 2011 Complete as many rounds as possible in…
Warm up 2 sets of 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 ab-mat sit ups 10 strict pull ups dynamic stretches Training in Teams of 3 1 min Each until the team rows a combined 3K meters take 30 secs rest between each station Partners must be working…
Warm up No time measure 3 rounds of 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 lunges (each leg) 10 strict pull ups or ring rows 10 burpees Dynamic stretches Skill practice Double under/ Toes to Bar Training "Go Ham" in teams of two LV2 2 rounds for time 30…
Warm up 3 Rounds of "CINDY" 5 Strict Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats Dynamic Stretches HSPU practice Strength/Skill LV 2 Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3 50%-60%-70%-80%-90% of your 1RM 1 min rest then 10 Tall Box Jumps (Higher than you normally jump, step down off box after each…
Warm up 400 Meter run w a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass thru's 10 Over Head squats Bar bell progression Dynamic stretches Workout Prep Hang Power Cleans Take 3-4 sets to work up to workout weight Training Partner WOD Why? Because Chuck Norries…
Warm up With a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 pass thru's 10 Over head squats 2sets of the following 10 super mans 10 groiners 10 hollow rocks 10 push ups 10 strict pull ups/ ring rows Strength Strict press 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% of your 1RM Training 30…