2014 01 07
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Strict pull ups Planks to push ups Strength/Skill 8 Min EMOTM ODD Min 5 HSPU Even 10 Chest to bar pull ups Scale's will be listed in class Training (Met-Con) "Good golly Miss Molly" 5 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP…
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Inverted rows Planks to push ups Strength/Skill Back Squats 10-5-5-5-10 Training (Met-Con) 20 Min AMRAP "Tag me bro" In teams of 2 Do as many rounds as possible of 10 Toes to Bar 20 Burpees Partner A will complete…
2014 01 06
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Barbell pull ups Planks to push ups Strength/Skill Push Press 5-3-3-3-3 Take 20 Mins to work up to a new 3RM Training (Met-con) 6 rounds AMRAP in 90 secs Rest 90 secs 9 KB Swings (53/35) (70/53) 9 Box…
2014 01 05
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Strength/Skill Snatch EMOTM for 7 Mins 5 Hang Power Snatches @70% of 1 RM or (95/65) Training (Met-Con) "Spicey…
2014 01 04
Saturday 1/4/2014 WOD Team Day! YAAAY!
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Training (Met-Com) "We have to do what?" In teams of 2 7 Min AMRAP 50 Hang Power Cleans(115/80) 50…
2014 01 03
2014 01 02
Wednesday 1/1/2014 WOD Happy New Year
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Training (Met-Con) "Double dose of Alkaseltzer" In teams of 2 20 Rounds 200 Meter row 10 Box Jumps (24/20)…
2013 12 31
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Strength/Skill Back Squats 10-5-5-5-10 Training (Met-Con) "The End of the World WOD Part 1" 7 Rounds 7 Kettle Bell…
2013 12 30
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Snatches Strength/Skill Push press 5-4-3-3-3 65%-70%-80%-90%-95% Base percentages off your 3RM Training (Met-Con) 4 Rounds 30 Secs AMRAP 30 Secs rest…
2013 12 29
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 pass through's 10 Dislocates 10 Over Head Squats Burgener Warm up Dynamic Stretches Ankles, shoulders and hips Strength/Skill Snatch In 15 Mins build up to a 1RM Snatch 5-3-2-1-1-1 Training (Met-Con) 10 Min Ascending Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12.... Climb as high as…
2013 12 28