Warm up 400 Meter run w med ball 3 sets of 20 Air squats 10 Groiners Mobility coaches choice Strength Back Squats Level 2 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 Build up to a new…
July 4th Schedule out in East Hampton: [caption id="attachment_6343" align="alignnone" width="640"] Outdoor Workout in East Hampton[/caption] Monday July 1 - Wednesday July 3 9- 10 AM Thursday July 4 9-10 AM 10-11AM Friday July 5 9-10 AM 10-11 AM 5:30-6:30 PM Saturday July 6 9-10 AM 10-11AM Sunday July 7th…
Good bye June and hello July! EVF CFUES is Getting hot folks! Congrats to our very own row team who took FIRST place at the Row strong for Boston rowathon held at Reebok 5th ave this past Sunday. Pics to come! We are so proud of you all! …
Warm up 400 meter run Then 400 meter row 10 sets of 5 point burpees Squat stretch 3x for 5 sec each leg Iron cross 3x for 5 sec each leg Samson stretch 2x 10 sec each leg Skill Level 2 (advance) Power cleans 3-3-3-3-3 Touch and go…
Happy Birthday to all our June babies!! Emily Kerr Jason Fliesher Gabe Chapa Ryan Ricci Yasmin Hani Bernard Wolf Ari Anatasi Chris Oehl Jonathan Noble This workout is dedicated to you all! Happy Bday rock stars! :) Warm up Musical balls to Prince on Pandora Prince is a June baby!…
Warm up 400 meter run/row or ski mobilty coaches choice Strength level 2 Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3 build up to a heavy set of 3 level 1 3-3-3-3-3 build up to a challenging weight without losing form. Training Level 2 (advance) WORKOUT 13.5 MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54…
We are sadly saying good bye to Jason (pictured in middle) as he moves from NYC into the burbs. He is always the first guy in the gym every morning and always comes in with a bright smile. Even at 5am. Losing one of our…
Warm up "Fun with balls" 10 Wall balls 10 Russian twist 10 Med ball burpees 10 V-ups 10 Hip toss to a partner Dynamic stretches Skill Work Level 1 (Beginner) Kipping Toes to bar progression …
Happy Tuesday EVF CFUES family! This Sunday we are sending a rockstar team to participate in the "Row Strong for Boston" at Reebok 5th ave. This will be an amazing event and we would like to invite as many EVF'ers as possible to come down and support our team…
Warm up 400 Meter run Dynamic stretches 3 Sets of 5 Push ups 10 Air Squats Strength Level 2 (advance) Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5 60%-70%-75%-80%-85% of 1RM Level 1 (Beginner) 3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a heavy set of three Training Level 2 (advance) HIIT ( high intense…