Monday, Sept. 26 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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[embed][/embed] Mobility: Back squatting is a full bodied movement which means we need to mobilize everything before we start throwing around the heavy stuff. Check out this article for best ways to prepare for back squatting. Warm up 6 minutes: 10 squats 10 alternating spidermans 10 sit-ups 20-second hollow hold…

Friday, Sept. 23 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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[embed][/embed] Mobility: Check out these hamstring mobs specific to deadlifting. Be mindful of too much static stretching prior to lifting though; keep the warmup dynamic and the cool down static. Warm up 7 minutes: 8 good mornings 8 single leg deadlifts 8 hollow rocks 30 second plank Strength Deadlift Performance:…

Thursday, Sept. 22 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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[embed][/embed] Mobility: If you're having trouble with the overhead press, try resetting the shoulder. Happy joints = happy lifts! Warm up 3 rounds: 10 ring rows 10 overhead walking lunges 10 burpees Strength Strict press Performance: 80%, 4x5 Fitness: 5x5, across Conditioning Performance 21-15-9 reps for time: Overhead squats (115/75)…