Remember: Next Thursday, June 13th is The Paleo Potluck in honor of EVF's 1 Year Anniversary! What are you bringing? Please add your name and what you are bringing to the white board or post it here in comments. Feel free to bring a friend or two!
Warm up LAX ball scapula 2 mins on each side Shoulder traction with bands hip and ankle mobility coaches choice barbell prep work burgener warm up snatch balance Skill/ Sport Hang Squat Snatches take 4 warm up sets of 2 reps to build to 70% of your 1RM…
Check out some Efficiency tips for toes to bar With a partner 10 each partner Medicine Ball toss (stand about 5ft apart) 10 each partner and toss (about 3-5ft apart) 10 each partner squat and toss (about 2-3ft apart) 10 each partner swing and toss (about 5-6ft apart) 10 each partner with feet off the ground and toss (1-2ft apart)…
Warm up With a partner 10 junk yard dogs 10 jump overs and crawl thru's mobility coaches choice Barbell Prep with an empty barbell or PVC pipe 2 down and up shrug 2 shrugs from the top of the knee 2 shrugs from the mid shin 2 power cleans…
Warm up 200 meter run Squat Stretch 3x 5 seconds Iron Cross 3x 5 seconds Spider man 3x 5 seconds 10 Groiners Full Plank hold 1 minute 200 Meter sprint Strength Front Squat with tempo 31x1 As you descend on the squat, count for three seconds, pause at…
Warm up Mobility coaches choice Strength weighted pull ups 3-3-3-3-3 superset with 10 plate ground to over head (45/25) Training 12 minute AMRAP 12 Chest 2 bar pull-ups 12 box jumps (24/20)
Warm up Junk Yard dogs Burgener warm up Snatch balance Workout prep Snatches 5-5-5-5-5 Level 1 (experienced lifters) Touch and go from the ground, build up to working weight. Level 2 From the Launch position. (Top of the knee) Build to weight that will be used for workout Main-site…
Warm up 400 meter row Mobility coaches choice Training "CrossFit Total" You will have three attempts each to determine a 1RM for -Back Squat -Strict Over Head Press -Dead-lift can you spot the bad form on the video below? A nice little demonstration on how NOT to lift by…
Lets say good bye to May with some serious spring "CLEANING" Warm up Jump rope 2 mins singles 3 mins double under Coaches choice for DU practice and mobility Clean practice With an empty Barbell 2 down and ups 2 shrugs from the top of the knee 2…
Warm up Mobility coaches choice Workout prep 2 sets of 10 box jumps 10 Toes to bar 10 Wall balls 10 calorie rows 10 Burpees Training Partner WOD "The EVF 500" In a team of two complete the following in order for time 100 Box Jumps (24/20)…