2013 03 31
Workout of the Day A. Five sets of: Snatch + Overhead Squat x 3 reps Rest 2 minutes B. 3 rounds for time of: 20 Pull-Ups 40 Double-Unders 600 Meter Run
2013 03 30
STRENGTH Workout of the Day A. Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes Complete: 3 Back Squats (75% 1 RM) 9 Toes to Bar Rest 5 minutes B. Five Rounds for time of: Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (3 reps, 4, reps, 5 reps…
2013 03 29
Workout of the Day CROSSFIT OPEN WORKOUT 13.4 7 minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean and jerk 3 Toes-to-bar 6 Clean and jerk 6 Toes-to-bar 9 Clean and jerk 9 Toes-to-bar 12 Clean and jerk 12 Toes-to-bar 15 Clean and jerk 15 Toes-to-bar 18 Clean and jerk 18 Toes-to-bar...…
2013 03 29
Workout of the Day ***If you are competing in the CrossFit Open, I would recommend that today becomes your rest day*** A. Five Sets of Floor Press x 5 reps @22X1 Rest 90 seconds Max Rep/ Mixed Grip Strict Pull Ups Rest 90 seconds B. For…
2013 03 28
STRENGTH Workout of the Day A. Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes complete: 3 Power Cleans (75% 1-RM) 6 Pull-Ups (Minutes 0,1,2,3,4 complete 3 Power Cleans and 6 Pull-Ups. From 5:00 - 7:00 complete max reps Power Cleans) Rest 5 minutes B. 5…
2013 03 27
Workout of the Day In teams of 3, with partners alternating tasks, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: 250M Row Front Squats (135/95) One person must be rowing, one person must be squatting, and one person must be resting at all times. …
2013 03 27
Workout of the Day A. Three sets of: Strict Press x 6-8 reps @ 21X1 Rest 90 seconds Side Plank x 45-60 seconds each side Rest 90 seconds B. Two sets for times of: 25 Hand Release Push-Ups 15 Power Snatches (95/65 lbs.) 15 Wall Ball Shots…
2013 03 26
Partner chipper. As many rounds as possible within a 40 minute time cap. box jumps, American KB swings and, burpees. Partners can split the reps up or tackle them any way they choose. Round one 60/60/60. Round two 50/50/50. Round three 40/40/40. Round four 30/30/30 round five 20/20/20 and round…
2013 03 25
STRENGTH Workout of the Day Barbell Complex: Deadlifts x 5 reps Barbell Rows x 5 reps Hang Cleans x 5 reps Push Press x 5 reps Back Squat x 5 reps Pull Ups x 10 reps Complete 5 rounds. Rest 4 minutes in between rounds, going up in weight…
2013 03 25